
Crossing Spirits

I have been aware of spirits for my entire life, but I didn’t always know what I was experiencing. In my adult years I learned through my shamanic apprenticeships that what I was experiencing was indeed ghosts or spirits that were present around me. 

Spirits are all around us, sometimes they are coexisting peacefully next to us and we may not, or only be slightly aware, of them being there. Other times, the energy feels oppressive and we feel as if we are being watched constantly. 

In my work as a rescue medium, I have found that spirits who are ready to go or must go, will give you signs: 

  • Uneasy feeling in an area where you haven’t experienced that recently. 
  • Feelings of being watched or being on display. 
  • Hearing unusual noises or smelling unusual smells. 
  • Inner visions – these are clairvoyant images which play out in your head. Perhaps you see a man standing in the corner of the room and when you look there isn’t a man there. Usually this feeling will persist over a period of time causing you to wonder what is going on. 
  • Zoning out and thinking of things that are not relevant to your life. This could be like a daydream. 

A lot of the above examples are easy ways to tell if you have a spirit or spirits around you that have come by for crossing over. How do these spirits come, you may ask?

Spirits often travel through waterways, underground or otherwise. I also found that they can hitchhike with people as well.  For example, if I go to a historical place a spirit may become attracted to my energy and may come along, then when they see someone who has a more attractive aura of energy they may follow that person for a while. Usually they suck off your energy, this is because they do not have an energy source themselves. 

Please note that I do not just mean human spirits, this can also mean other spirits and entities as well:

  • Animal spirits 
  • Nature spirits 
  • Mythological creatures  – in my training there were a lot of dragon spirits that needed to be crossed over. 

While I choose not to acknowledge demons, your experience may be different, in this work I have had a lot of long held beliefs that have proven to be limitations I have placed on myself. I just set the intention that the spirits that I work with are not demons and my guides honor that. 

I will work with other spirits to help them cross over though. While I highly recommend taking a course on helping spirits cross over, rescue mediumship, and compassionate depossession, the most important part in this work is a good relationship with your guides. 

Our own guides are our most powerful support system. They can be our best friends, who oftentimes understand us better than anyone living and sometimes even better than we know ourselves. 

I have a few guides that I work with, one is a guide from my childhood that I never realized was a guide until I started doing this work. When I was doing training her name came up in the course and all the pieces fit together in an instant. I recognized it right away as a synchronicity that was beyond a mere coincidence. Do not brush those magickal things away, sometimes we may not immediately understand what is going on but we will in time be able to see the undercurrents of something deeper. I recommend keeping a journal. 

When I write I also work my guides, oftentimes falling into a light trance state. Connecting and working with your guides can easily be done through a shamanic journey or active “day-dreaming” Some may not like that I say that but it is the truth. Daydreaming is often the vehicle for some powerful realizations. Spirit, if we are open to it, will come to us in a way that is easiest for us at this time in our life which just may be daydreaming. 

Once we find out that we have a spirit that is ready to cross over and we have a strong spiritual support system including specialty guides that can help cross over spirits then the next step is preparing to do the work. 

I like to check in with my guides to see how many spirits are ready to be crossed over, sometimes there are more than one and that may take longer. Usually for a single spirit that can take anywhere from 30-60 minutes. If there is more than one spirit then I think it is important to have experience holding the space for a long period of time, this means being able to hold the vision for an extended period of time. 

My work in the akashic records made this transition easier for me because I would leave the records to answer my clients questions and then go back into the records. That means closing my eyes or leaving the vision, and going back into it. You have to be in the right mindset to be able to do this work. It is not something that you can do if you’re running around. While I have been able to do it while driving once, I really do not recommend doing it. What I often do is note where in my day to day experience has spirits then I go back there energetically when I have time. I do this often at work, if I find a spirit that is ready to cross over and I do not have time or the mental bandwidth to do it then I will go back and do that work later when I do have time. 

When I have the time and I am in the right mental state, I will then call in my guides. I explain to my guides either silently or out loud what I want to do. Sometimes the act of calling in the guides starts the process because I have a very specific set of guides that I work with for just this purpose. I also explain to the spirit(s) what I am doing. However, if the spirit has an anxious energy I may just explain that I have some friends that want to see it.  I ask my guides to help friendly spirits to the one who needs to be crossed over come forward. 

Now I want to take a brief moment to explain something very very important. We can communicate with any spirit regardless if they are crossed over or not. I liken crossing a spirit over to giving the spirit the keys to the universe or giving them a spiritual car. They will still be here for us. When someone I care about passed, they didn’t cross over right away, they had unfinished business, they hung around for about three months, maybe longer I felt them constantly and it was a very painful experience for everyone. However, once they crossed over they still come and visit but they are able to get to where they should be.  it’s like giving someone a car and saying you can come visit me whenever, you don’t need to live in MY house anymore, go to yours but come visit me when you want too. Mediums can still communicate with them, they are still there when we need them or important things are happening in our life. 

A Spiritual Aside

“We can communicate with any spirit regardless if they are crossed over or not. I liken crossing a spirit over to giving the spirit the keys to the universe or giving them a spiritual car. They will still be here for us. When someone I care about passed, they didn’t cross over right away, they had unfinished business, they hung around for about three months, maybe longer I felt them constantly and it was a very painful experience for everyone. However, once they crossed over they still come and visit but they are able to get to where they should be.  it’s like giving someone a car and saying you can come visit me whenever, you don’t need to live in MY house anymore, go to yours but come visit me when you want too. Mediums can still communicate with them, they are still there when we need them or important things are happening in our life. ”

Crossing spirits over is a necessary part of the spiritual evolution of our souls life. I will talk more about the souls expansion process in another post. 

Once the spirits have gathered who are ready to cross over, I leave the remaining processes for my guides to handle, they will open the portal, call forth any supporting spiritual beings, do a clearing and attunement process – which usually takes a while, and then direct the spirits who are ready to cross over into the portal, then they usually do a healing on me and close the portal. 

You will 100% feel energetic shifts when this is happening. Sometimes you will also get “postcards” from the spirits that you’ve crossed over thanking you for helping them. While these will not be literal postcards, it may be synchronicities, gifts, a small blessing, etc. I can tell that they are from these spirits because when it is occurring I will remember crossing them over. I would say eighty percent of the time the spirits are ready to cross over, however, if you’ve made your mind up to do the work and sense a spirit then it is time for that spirit to go, sometimes the work will take longer when the spirits are adverse to the process. Trust the process and trust your guides, they will make it happen. 

While this post was not meant to “teach” the process of crossing over a spirit it was meant to be a guidepost to what the work is like. I highly recommend you reach out to qualified ethical teachers. Anyone who is into the drama of exorcisms, demons, dark entities, are not the type of teacher I would recommend. I worked with world renowned teacher Besty Bergstrom, who is probably one of the most powerful spiritual teachers I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She also taught me spell and curse removal. Like all things this is a practice which means we have to do the work, and do it often – that is how we hone our craft. While I spend most of my time doing clearings of houses, businesses, places, and helping animal spirits cross, removing spiritual attachments is also done in a similar way. However, there is some aftercare that is required for the “host.” This is what makes learning from a reputable teacher so important. The minute we introduce a human element into the work, then we have to employ a certain level of professionalism. 

According to my teaching almost everyone has at least once a spirit attachment, sometimes like i said, they are coexisting with us harmoniously but if we are aware they are there then it is a sign that it is time to help them cross. 

If I had one message it is “Trust yourself and trust the process.” Don’t overcomplicate it. This is not the time to get involved in the story, the story really is not important. 

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