
Spirit Rescue

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on spirit rescue, or helping a spirit to cross over, you can read my previous article on Crossing Spirits.  A lot of what I am finding seems to be very limited. This is part of my soul’s work, something that I have been doing for a while now, so I thought I would take some time to see how others do it, it’s always an interesting rabbit hole to go down. I have found that others are relying solely on their own ability to convince a spirit it’s time to cross over. A lot are doing “the counseling”, listening to their story, and helping them move from this world to the ‘light’.

In my own practice I have found that when we get involved in stories or the “drama” that can cause the spirit to go right back into a bad space and not want to go, making it so much more difficult to cross. Instead of getting caught up in the backstory of how they died, or what they did when they died, what if we called for their loved ones, and helping spirits – including psychopomp spirits, and spirit guides. Once those helping spirits arrive, then the spirit will have helpers that can tell them why it is time to move on. Then it is not us that is involved in the story. 

This is what we do in depossession work. When we get involved in the stories then we can lower our own personal vibration, the fact is that if we are sensing or know that a spirit is there, it is time for them to move on. There are so many helping spirits who are ready to aid  in this process. All we have to do is ask them to come and be present then they will aid this process. 

A lot of what I am seeing is the medium or shaman doing the work, while we can do the work, it can take a lot more time and create a lot more discomfort to the spirit if we do it, rather than calling in helping spirits and psychopomp guides, whose entire job it is to help that spirit move on. They are trained to do this work. To put it another way, I’d rather have a heart surgeon perform open heart surgery compared to someone who has seen a few videos or done a weekend training. 

Here are most of the steps for this work:

  • Recognize there is a spirit who is present with you. Generally speaking any spirit that takes more than 15 minutes to get my attention means it is time to cross over. Other spirits may come to deliver a message and their energy will feel much different (lighter) than spirits who are ready to cross (dense, sad, dark, confused, anxiety.)
    • Animal spirits are no different – you’ll know if they are coming to deliver a message or if it’s time to cross over. Not all animals cross over immediately, I often find them on the side of the road after being hit by a vehicle or some other traumatic death. 
  • Tell the spirit you are going to help them. 
  • Take a moment to center yourself. 
  • Call in your own helping spirits and psychopomp guides. 
  • Explain what is happening. 
  • Your job is simply to understand the steps that are being taken and to narrate the work; I do not do this out loud most of the time. It’s more like directing a movie or a play, the actors do the work. I just set the stage and keep it flowing. 
  • There are specific steps that happen now that are taught during actual training, if you’re interested in learning to do this work look for my forthcoming book.
  • Once the work is over you thank the helping spirits and psychopomp beings. 

The entire area will feel lighter and more at peace. You will feel better, because during this work you also receive healing and that can only make you feel better. 

While I understand that if you haven’t been formally trained to do this work, trying to set out and do the counseling yourself seems like the only way to do it, but really I think it makes the whole process more difficult for both you and the “client.” 

Are you a rescue medium? Do you do Spirit Rescue? I’d love to hear about how you do it.

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